Medi-Stim, Inc.
217 Industrial Court
Wabasha, MN 55981
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NMES Units > QuadStar Elite |

QuadStar Elite
TENS/IF/EMS/High Volt Unit |
- Four channel (8-lead) all digital combo Interferential, Muscle Stim, TENS, and High Volt Pulsed Galvanic, with sequential feature
- 2 Active and 1 Dispersive channels for High Volt
- 4 waveforms (asymmetrical and symmetrical biphasic squarewave, sinewave, and twin-peak monophasic)
- 4 Interferential modes, 8 TENS modes, 3 EMS modes, 3 High Volt modes
- Separate intensity controls for each channel
- Programmable sequencing of different modalities
- Preset treatment programs
- Fully adjustable parameter settings for all modes
- Great choice for professional or clinical use
- AC adapter / DC charger with internal Ni-Cad battery pack supply
- Last setting recall and parameter lock
- Compliance monitor
- Treatment timer
- 3 year warranty
- Comes with 3 pkgs of 4 each 2” x 2” reusable self-adhesive electrodes, 1 pkg of 4” x 7” dispersive electrode, 4 each color-coded 48” pin lead wires for TENS/EMS/IF, 2 each 48” red single active pin lead wires, 1 each 48” black dispersive pin lead wire, AC adapter /DC charger, carrying case, and instruction manual
- Leadwire reorder #LW00013W, #LW00013B, #LW00013G, #LW00013T
Channel (4) for INF, NMS, and TENS. (2) Active (red) and (1) Dispersive (black) for High Voltage
Electrodes/Leadwires (4) Leadwires - Style L00013MC (2) GV0014R (red single wires) and (1) GV0014B (black single wire)
Power Supply internal battery P/N QSE 601 NiCad battery pack; External Specified Power Supply: P/N L60071 medical grade power supply
Size 14.1 x 13.4 x 4.15 cm
Weight 574 grams
Amplitude 0 - 78 mA peak to peak
Output Voltage 0 - 39 V peak to peak
Waveform Continuous sinusoidal
CH1/CH3 (Carrier) Frequency 4000 Hz
CH2/CH4 Frequency 4001 - 4150 Hz adjustable
Beat Frequency 1 - 150 Hz
• CH1/CH2 are an Interferential Pair
• CH1: Fixed Frequency (4000 Hz)
• CH2: Adjustable 4001 - 4150 Hz
• CH3/CH4 are an Interferential Pair
• CH3: Fixed Frequency (4000 Hz)
• CH4: Adjustable 4001 - 4150 Hz
Premodulated INF (using one channel) A mixed interferential beat frequency will be produced only out of CH 1 and/or CH 3.
Constant Beat Frequency is adjustable from 1 - 150 Hz
Sweep 1 Beat Frequency modulates from 1 - 10 Hz and back over 12 seconds (6 second increase, 6 second decrease)
Sweep 2 Beat Frequency modulates from 80 - 150 Hz and back over 16 seconds (8 second increase, 8 second decrease)
Sweep 3 Beat Frequency modulates from 1 - 150 Hz and back over 20 seconds(10 second increase, 10 second decrease)
Amplitude 0 - 100 mA peak to peak
Output Voltage 0 - 50 V peak to peak
Waveform Asymmetrical biphasic square
Pulse Rate Adjustable 1 - 120 Hz
Pulse Width Adjustable 10 - 250 µS
Modes Constant, Pulse Width Modulation, Pulse Rate Modulation, Rate & Width Modulation, SD1, SD2, Cycled Burst, Cycled Burst 2
Constant - Pulse Rate (Hz) is adjustable from 1 - 120 Hz and Pulse Width (µS) is adjustable from 10 - 250 µS.
Pulse Width Modulation - Decrease/Increase of set width 50% over 5 second cycle.
Pulse Rate Modulation - Decrease/Increase of set width 50% over 5 second cycle.
Pulse Width & Pulse Rate Modulation - Pulse Rate and Pulse Width alternately decrease and increase 50% of their set values over 5 seconds cycle.
Strength Duration 1 - Increase of set Pulse Width 40%, decrease of set Pulse Rate 45% and decrease of Amplitude 10% over a 3 second period. Values return to original settings over the next 3 second period.
Strength Duration 2 - Increase of a set Pulse Width 60% decrease of set Pulse Rate 90% and decrease of set Amplitude 13% over a 6 second period. Values return to original setting over the next 6 seconds.
Cycled Burst (B1) - 2.5 seconds on, 2.5 seconds off. Adjustable Pulse Rate 1-200 Hz. Adjustable Pulse Width from 10 - 250 μS.
Cycled Burst II (B2) - 8 pulses per 0.25 seconds, off for 0.25 seconds. Adjustable Pulse Width from 10 - 250 μS.
Channel 2 active outputs; 1 dispersive return
Amplitude 0 - 700 mA peak, adjustable
Output Voltage 0 - 350 V adjustable
Waveform Pulsed galvanic twin peak monophasic delivered in pairs
Pulse Rate 1 - 120 Hz, adjustable
Pulse Width Inter pulse intervals of 100 (μS), fixed
Modes Constant Stimulation, Alternating Stimulation, Cycled Stimulation
Polarity Switch Positive/Negative polarity of active electrodes (A1 & A2)
Contraction Time 0 - 99 seconds
Relaxation Time 0 - 99 seconds
Ramp Up/Down 0 - 10 seconds
Amplitude 0 - 120 mA from peak to peak (adjustable)
Output Voltage 0 - 60 V from peak to peak (adjustable)
Waveform Symmetrical, biphasic, square Asymmetrical, biphasic, square
Pulse Rate Adjustable 1 - 120 Hz peak to peak
Pulse Width Adjustable 50 - 400 µS
Modes Constant, Cycled, Reciprocating
Constant - Use the Constant Mode or a Pulse Rate greater than 60 Hz. for the relaxation of muscle spasms only. Use of continuous stimulation and/or rates above the normal physiological range (e.g., greater than 60 Hz) could lead to rapid onset of muscle fatigue, making the device less effective in producing repeated forceful muscle contractions.
Ramp Up/Down 0 - 10 seconds
Contraction Time 0 - 99 seconds
Relaxation Time 0 - 99 seconds